Day 17: Into the Lone Star State!

(Posted 1 day later–Day 18 blog will be posted shortly)

Day17-5I dedicate this blog to all the Alzheimer’s caregivers past, present and future. This includes families taking care of loved ones at home, caregivers taking care in facilities and homes, and friends that visit Alzheimer’s victims because they care. You are the heroes of this ugly disease and it is for you that I am riding across America.
Today I got up to see the sunrise and had my hotel breakfast (Days Inn Saint Teresa). Waffle House, you would be proud of me–I eat waffles everyday when hotels have them, my bike riding secret formula for energy. Of course I eat cereal, yogurt and hard boiled eggs, too. Oh, and did I say my favorite–coffee!

My morning continued with a phone call from Hampton Roads’ own Joe Flanagan of WVEC 13.  He did a phone interview with me as an update on my Ronasride for Alzheimer’s that aired Sunday at 6pm. I was so grateful to have his and the station’s support in getting the word out in hopes of raising more awareness and more donations for the Alzheimer’s Association. If you saw it I hope it was ok!!

I buddied up with Jeannie from Maine for today’s ride into El Paso because there were 60 miles of turns to reach our Comfort Inn. We have ridden into several towns and and have not gotten lost yet. We thought it was going to be a nice easy ride but surprise, surprise we rode into a Texas wind–seems they are common this time of year. So flat felt like hills and once again I was humbled. Most importantly we made it safely!!!!

Tonight we celebrate the crossing into yet another new state!!! I am so excited because we had spaghetti last night and since I don’t eat pork (tonight’s dinner), I get leftover spaghetti!! I could eat it every night. So as I hear my stomach growling, I will say goodnight, God bless and thank you for your support and prayers.

5 thoughts on “Day 17: Into the Lone Star State!

  1. Saw the interview with Joe F. tonight on Channel 13. Great job. Thanks for all you are doing.

    Stay safe and enjoy your long ride through TX.

    With gratitude,

    Nancy S.

  2. Loved your blog today….you are writing so well Rona!!! I did not see the interview but i’m
    sure you were great. Day 17…u r amazing!!!

  3. Ok girl
    You keep eating that pasta and lots of protein ! ! Texas will
    Be a long haul . Your backside should be really formed to your seat by now . They are calling for a mixed bag of in rain and snow tomorrow, so enjoy sunshine.
    Every time I stop and think about what you are doing, it’s just amazing!!! You are doing an awesome event , keep safe, love,:)

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